by Olivia Farrington, 05/13/2020, Boyne City, MI
Middle School 6-8 Category
Staying home is like staying in space, It’s empty and the only other people you can see or hear are your team. Staying home is also like being a cactus, nobody wants or can come near you due to your thorns and pricks. Or they’re forced to stay away, like we are. It’s hard to write something that hasn’t ended because then you can’t write a happy ending. I know we are gonna have a happy ending, we always do. Even if it’s not in the first book or movie, there always is a happy ending for someone. And even if we have to stay at home like couch potatoes, we’re saving lives every day from it. Like being a hero but somebody else does all the work for you. My first year of Middle School has been a lot of things, hard, crazy, etc. I didn’t even go on one field trip because I’ve always been sick. But I’ve missed a lot of good friendships as well. And now I’m here, at home, with my family that is slowly but surely driving me insane. I’m not able to write a happy ending about this but there definitely is going to be one soon.