
by Mary Clifton, 4/18/2020, BENZONIA, MI

Adult Category

Mom’s Poem

During the Amanpour and Company news hour on April 1, 2020, the President of Greece was interviewed about how Greece had achieved success in fighting the Coronavirus with strict, early on, social distancing. This inspired the following:

Pitziakis Opiopolous says:
We don’t shake hands, we don’t bow,
we don’t fist bump,
not then, not now.
We wave, we Zoom, we conference call,
we order online. . .and. . .sometimes. . .
that works out fine. . .but. . .
toilet paper is our friend.
It means the world to our “other end” –
sometimes, if in short supply,
do we fuss, do we cry?
I have to say, I won’t lie,
In truth, “we like a cushy tushie.”
Not that we are pushy,
But. . .if in line for the coveted roll,
Snag a pack and don’t look back.
All’s fair in love and tissue.
And. . .
That, my friend, is the only issue!
Pitziakis Opiopolous
AKA: Mary Magoo Clifton