by Jordan Lesperance, 04/21/2020, Grawn, MI
High School 9-12 Category
During the beginning of the lockdown everybody in school was reasonably stoked about a break from school work, but as time went on we sat there thinking, “What now?” Some of us are labelled ‘essential’and continue to work through this, some of us still hangout dispite the warnings, and for some of us, well we continue on as normal because our previous lifestyle is just the same as this. For me, I live in the middle of the woods and a lot has changed. More house work is getting done, my mom is home all the time, my schedule is empty because we aren’t running around the clock for school, and practice, and grocery shopping, and this and that. I’ll be the first to admit that the first couple days were pretty nice to not be rushing. Then it got lazy. Then it got mind-numbingly boring, but then I realized something, this was a blessing in disguise. How many times have you heard someone say, “I just wish I had a break for a little bit” or some variation of it. This is that break. I finally have the time to focus on my life instead of just filling it with as much as I can just to return home exhausted. Before break I never thought about having a journal, or a workout everyday, or working so much on delayed projects, or even a healthy sleep schedule. My gosh I’m even watching tv again to pass time. We all might be struggling in different ways right now, from finances to a family member working in a hospital. I feel for everybody with different problems during this time, but some things can be helped with the extra time on our hands now. I might just be spewing garbo that you’ve all heard before, but now you have the time to focus on yourself dispite the struggle. To rap up the half rant half update all I have to say is that I’m motivated to be better and help my friends be better. I hope you guys are too. Keep safe